validus management consultancy UK

Financial Services Case Study

Investment Services at UK bank

Inadequate performance management culture and supporting information systems
Identified and released 23% of existing capacity to support additional strategy activity


  • The Investment Services Units within the Wealth Management Division of one of the major UK banks


  • Need to identify and release capacity in order to resource additional activity to support the implementation of a new Wealth Management strategy
  • Business processes were not consistent across a total of five Investment Unit locations
  • No capacity management / resource planning data or systems
  • Inadequate performance management culture and supporting information systems


  • Carried out a series of introductory 'scoping' workshops with selected members of staff across all five locations Initial comparisons of output performance across locations
  • Carried out a series of detailed process reviews and comparisons covering all Investment Unit processes, across all five locations, identified key process differences and critique of weaknesses
  • Carried out series of re-engineering workshops involving representatives from all locations to establish an agreed set of more effective and efficient processes
  • Reviewed all proposed process changes with Group Risk and Compliance departments for agreement and sign-off
  • Implemented new processes across all locations
  • Developed and implemented a workload and capacity planning model to enable both 'what-if' scenario planning, also to manage performance on a regular structured basis
  • Reviewed the rationale for the number of locations and developed structure options
  • Carried out a series of Performance Management workshops to establish a genuine performance focused culture


  • Identified and released 23% of existing capacity to support additional strategy activity
  • Established vastly improved and consistent processes across all locations
  • Implemented a performance management culture