validus management consultancy UK

Utilities Case Study

Connections business within major supplier (2)

Poor overall business performance
Improved objectives, targets, performance expectations implemented


The Connections business within a major multi-utility service provider, covering both Regulated and Competitive connections. Multi-site business with a total of 18 Regulated teams and 14 Competitive teams across 7 locations


  • Poor overall business performance
  • Numerous changes to the senior management team in recent years
  • Poor understanding of workloads, resource utilization and performance across the business
  • Business processes allowed to 'evolve' over time – had become complex and time consuming
  • Low morale and confidence amongst managers and staff


  • Carried out a detailed assessment of current workloads across the entire Connections business
  • Identified 'Value added' process tasks and activities (Business generation; Customer management; Project specification; Quotation; Project Delivery) plus current process deficiencies and different working practices across all teams / locations
  • Carried out extensive analysis of existing business financial structure and performance data including: sector analysis, conversion rates, pricing and margin analysis, current cost-base; outputs at individual, team and business unit level
  • Enabled managers within both the Regulated and Statutory businesses to compare:
    • Effort within market sectors and resulting costs / margins
    • The effect on workloads of different business processes and organization structures within different parts of the business
    • Utilization of resources on key processes, tasks and activities
  • Identified a series of early actions to raise confidence and generated improved cash-flow
  • Developed alternative improved operating model for both Regulated and Competitive businesses
  • Defined a structure for skills auditing and development to support the new operating model
  • Defined detailed re-engineering and implementation programme for the new operating model
  • Identified £ MULTI-MILLION benefits


  • Implemented re-engineered processes and improved operating model
  • Improved objectives, targets, performance expectations implemented
  • Targeted benefits implemented – with clear accountabilities for delivery
  • Refocused management and staff throughout the Connections business